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About Us

Our Vision

Startups are the engine of the future economy. Entrepreneurs are the fuel of that engine. They are responsible for our innovative power, job growth, and future economic value, and we want to be there to support them every step of the way: from startup and scaleup.

Our Mission:

We strive to cultivate an environment where founders and their teams can share knowledge with the greater startup community, thus building a network of support and expertise. The DSA will not tell you how to run your business, but we will make sure you have all the tools you need to achieve success. 

Our Goal

We recognize that there are more than enough ‘rollercoaster” moments in the process of starting a business, and so, we want to make sure that our founders’ startup journey goes as smoothly as possible.  

We do this by:

  • Lobbying for startup-friendly policies and by challenging legislation that hinders innovation 
  • Giving startups and founders a seat at the table of the industry’s most important conversations -  in media or in political agendas
  • Creating a diverse and inclusive ecosystem that celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit and that sees failure as simply one step on the journey to success. Fail successfully! 
  • Facilitating the transfer of knowledge amongst startups, founders, and team members 

As a member, you decide which issues we should direct our energy and focus. We work on your behalf to maintain a consistent dialogue with those individuals and entities directly involved in the shaping of the startup ecosystem. Our engaged, interactive community is here to help!

We provide you with the network, knowledge, and expertise to produce real results, and we create toolkits, host and organise events, and much more - giving you all the support you need to reach your goals.  


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Founding Fathers

To get the DSA up and running, a founding board has been set up consisting of recommended startup representatives from all Dutch regions as well as various domains, such as health technology, AI, blockchain, media, etc. All founding board members are startup entrepreneurs or ecosystem builders themselves.

We need partners and fathers to endorse, support and fund the foundation. Google is the first founding partner, funding and supporting the launch of the DSA. We are looking for 3 – 5 other partners to build our organisation and that will join us in this adventure.

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